
Monday, October 24, 2011


京东商城屏蔽一淘搜索 本报讯 (记者薛松)近日京东商城CEO刘强东通过微博公开指责一淘网"未经允许就抓取评价信息"后,京东商城随后修改搜索引擎爬虫规则,屏蔽了一淘对京东用户评价信息的抓取。这引起了一淘网的不满。 昨日,消息人士证实 ... 京东商城屏蔽一淘搜索

Tokyo Electric Power, Eurus sell shares

Tokyo Electric Power, Eurus sell shares TEPCO 25, Eurus Energy Holdings to expand wind power at home and abroad (Minato-ku, Tokyo Tetsuo Nagata) was transferred to Toyota Tsusho Corporation announced a 20% stake. Time is scheduled for January, amounts less than ¥ 20 billion. 60% after the transfer of ownership of Toyota Tsusho and TEPCO 40% reversal. ...Tokyo Electric Power, Eurus sell shares

Zix Corporation Meets Guidance in Q3 with Both Revenue and Earnings Growth

Zix Corporation Meets Guidance in Q3 with Both Revenue and Earnings Growth Nation Newsday > News > Nation Zix Corporation Meets Guidance in Q3 with Both Revenue and Earnings Growth Published: October 25, 2011 4:24 PM By The Associated Press DALLAS - --(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 25, 2011-- (NASDAQ: ZIXI), the leader in email ... Zix Corporation Meets Guidance in Q3 with Both Revenue and Earnings Growth

Patxi López: "La derrota del terrorismo es también la victoria del autogobierno"

Patxi López: "La derrota del terrorismo es también la victoria del autogobierno" El lehendakari, Patxi López, ha dicho hoy que la derrota del terrorismo de ETA es "también la victoria" del autogobierno y del "gran acuerdo", el Estatuto, que lo hizo posible. El lehendakari ha centrado gran parte de su discurso en el reciente anuncio ... Patxi López: "La derrota del terrorismo es también la victoria del autogobierno"

Man ignored the passengers inside to discourage smoking in Shanghai Metro detained

Man ignored the passengers inside to discourage smoking in Shanghai Metro detained October 25, according to Xinhua News Agency Xinhua Shanghai Metro police said a man recently in the Shanghai Metro Line 6 smoking inside track to the Police on the spot when found, the police made their administrative detention punishment according to law. At 11:40 on October 21 Xu, Shanghai Metro police in the subway line 6 to the Children's Medical Center Station Tech ...Man ignored the passengers inside to discourage smoking in Shanghai Metro detained


广州国光:2011年第三季度报告正文 误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。 1.2 公司第三季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。 度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。 1)货币资金比期初增加 32.70%,主要是报告期本公司 ... 广州国光:2011年第三季度报告正文

OKC council defers vote on sexual orientation

OKC council defers vote on sexual orientation By AP | October 25, 2011 OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — The Oklahoma City Council has delayed a vote on whether to add sexual orientation to the list of those protected from employment discrimination in city jobs. The Oklahoman reports ( ... OKC council defers vote on sexual orientation

ΑΕΚ: Διάψευση Κοσμάτου για Άντζελος

ΑΕΚ: Διάψευση Κοσμάτου για Άντζελος "Ιστορία που βγήκε από το μυαλό κάποιου" χαρακτήρισε τα όσα γράφονται για την είσοδο του Τζον Άντζελος στην ΑΕΚ, ο αντιπρόεδρος της "κιτρινόμαυρης" ΠΑΕ, Χάρης Κοσμάτος. "Είναι ψευδές. Μακάρι να ήταν αλήθεια, όμως πραγματικά απορώ. ... ΑΕΚ: Διάψευση Κοσμάτου για Άντζελος

Let me report is resubmitted after 27 Kyushu Electric Power, to discuss the Board of Directors

Let me report is resubmitted after 27 Kyushu Electric Power, to discuss the Board of Directors Let me email issues concerning the Electric Power Re-running saga of the Genkai nuclear power plant, a fix for the final report for the Ministry of Economy, discussed later resubmitted to the direction of said Board in consultation with the company opened 27 on May 25 that it found. The nine current ministry submitted a report to once in 14 days.Let me report is resubmitted after 27 Kyushu Electric Power, to discuss the Board of Directors


广东第三季度工业经济出现微弱回升态势 《第一财经日报》10月25日从广东省经济和信息化委召开的"2011年第三季度新闻通报会"上获悉,广东第三季度的工业经济一改前两个季度的颓势,开始出现微弱回升态势。1-9月,广东省规模以上工业企业增加值17146.74亿元,同 ... 广东第三季度工业经济出现微弱回升态势

Nexon, JCE 16.34 percent stake in the argument

Nexon, JCE 16.34 percent stake in the argument Nexon baeseokhwan reporter (representing people), an online game company JCE (representing songinsu) 16.34% stake in the takeover as an argument for the event said primary stage. JCE's founder and largest shareholder, chairman and baekilseung gimyangsin shares held by former vice president of 3,736,225 shares (32.68%) of the 1,868,113 shares (16.34%), and ...Nexon, JCE 16.34 percent stake in the argument

铁路建设重点出现调整 大批高铁项目因缺钱停工

铁路建设重点出现调整 大批高铁项目因缺钱停工 中国的铁路建设最近出现了结构调整的迹象。就在大批高速铁路建设项目因资金断供而停工之际,一条大型货运专线建设被提上了议事日程。这就是从蒙西至华中地区的北煤南运大通道。 记者了解到,受此前高铁追尾事故影响 ... 铁路建设重点出现调整 大批高铁项目因缺钱停工

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