
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Freddie Mac, another big loss, $ 6,000,000,000 for help

Freddie Mac, another big loss, $ 6,000,000,000 for help (WASHINGTON Dow Jones reported that 3) the U.S. government to take over the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac, referred to as Freddie Mac) today announced third quarter net loss of $ 4.4 billion, higher than last year's $ 2.1 billion, and said Government grants $ 6 billion needed to maintain operations. Headquartered in Virginia wheat with (Mclean) of the Freddie Mac said the regulation of Freddie and larger sister ...Freddie Mac, another big loss, $ 6,000,000,000 for help


访古桥,传历史 最近,钱宝云跟古石桥"较上劲"了。今年59岁的钱宝云是嘉兴秀洲区新塍镇蟠溪小学的美术老师,7年来,老钱跑遍全镇各个村落,寻访了近70座古石桥,将一座座古石桥的"前生今世"记录下来。 早上6时许,我们赶到老钱家时,他正 ... 访古桥,传历史


英国《经济学家》封面刊文:印度不改革没出路(图) 这个弱国已创造出一种新经济。但不改革,它将达到极限。 在以西式方式做事的情况下,印度的崛起,给所有对民主和资本主义的组合有信心的人吃了一颗定心丸。它即将成为超级大国,该国人民有投票权,这个社会很喧闹,印度公 ... 英国《经济学家》封面刊文:印度不改革没出路(图)

China's manned aerospace engineering to spend 35 billion alleged return of up to 10 times

China's manned aerospace engineering to spend 35 billion alleged return of up to 10 times Confused car do not make out, thanks to car satellite navigation system. Mobile navigation installed, the same reason children. Manned aerospace What is the significance of people's lives? Huge cost reasonable? Unresolved problems in the real case, "asked the day" of the pursuit, whether it is just a practical, chasing performance of "face project"? China's manned aerospace spending geometry? From geometry? China's manned aerospace industry in re ...China's manned aerospace engineering to spend 35 billion alleged return of up to 10 times

美, 경기침체로 '캥거루족' 급증

美, 경기침체로 '캥거루족' 급증 [0730]미국의 성인 남성 5명 가운데 1명은 자립하지 않고 부모와 함께 생활하는 것으로 나타났다. 3일 미 인구통계국이 발표한 보고서에 따르면 올해 25~34세 남성 가운데 부모와 함께 거주하는 '캥거루족' 비율은 19%로 집계됐다. 지난 2005년 조사 당시 14%에 비 ... 美, 경기침체로 '캥거루족' 급증


16亿限售股下周解禁环比降近五成 下周沪深两市将有16亿股限售股解禁,较本周解禁数量环比下降近五成,其中深市解禁市值比沪市多出43.4亿元。 据Wind数据统计显示,下周两市将有涉及18只个股的16.39亿股限售股解禁,较本周限售股解禁环比下降45.13%。以 ... 16亿限售股下周解禁环比降近五成

Mr. Kurata Osaka double election, in conjunction with Mr. Hiramatsu, "restoration" to counter priority

Mr. Kurata Osaka double election, in conjunction with Mr. Hiramatsu, "restoration" to counter priority Kaoru Kurata's mayor to run for governor of Osaka's Ikeda 投開票 27 (63) days, Mr. Kunio Hiramatsu seeking re-election as mayor of Osaka mayoral election on the same day (62) joined the rally in support expressed in the election campaign and work together. The collaboration was initially negative, democratic change of policy at the request of such assistance. ...Mr. Kurata Osaka double election, in conjunction with Mr. Hiramatsu, "restoration" to counter priority


以军与巴武装人员交火造成两人死 新华网拉姆安拉11月3日电(记者陈序)据加沙地带医疗部门的消息,以色列军队3日在加沙地带北部地区与巴勒斯坦武装人员发生交火,造成两名巴武装人员死亡。 加沙地带急救中心发言人萨勒米亚告诉新华社记者,多名巴武装 ... 以军与巴武装人员交火造成两人死

HiOSO WTA tournament stop Chan Yung-jan 16

HiOSO WTA tournament stop Chan Yung-jan 16 (Central News Agency correspondent in Taipei 3 (Xinhua) Long Boan) Sea Master 2011 Taipei International Professional Women's Tennis Open women's singles for today's 16 showdown, players Chan Yung-jan of Taiwan lost to Czech women, Puli Si to 4:6,4:6 can baby (Karolina Pliskova), in 16 to stop. Height 184 cm Puli Si can be baby, Cheng Wei today by the strong serve, love the audience in mind and strong H-7 Division, and 71% rely on the success of the first issue ...HiOSO WTA tournament stop Chan Yung-jan 16

Ibrahimovic dijo a Guardiola que no tenía huevos y se cagaba con Mourinho

Ibrahimovic dijo a Guardiola que no tenía huevos y se cagaba con Mourinho Copenhague, 3 nov (EFE).- El delantero del Milan Zlatan Ibrahimovic acusó durante una discusión al entrenador del Barcelona, Pep Guardiola, de no tener "huevos" y de "cagarse" con Mourinho, técnico del Real Madrid, según un extracto de su autobiografía ... Ibrahimovic dijo a Guardiola que no tenía huevos y se cagaba con Mourinho


李辦:李登輝不希望受打擾 〔中央社〕李登輝辦公室主任王燕軍今天說,李登輝手術後仍需休息,不希望受打擾。他轉述,李登輝認為「榮總是醫療場所,非政治場所,不要因我影響到其他人享有醫療資源權利」。 前總統李登輝辦公室主任王燕軍下午在榮總受訪時表示,醫療小組上午幫李登輝換藥和檢查傷口, ... 李辦:李登輝不希望受打擾

Gimyoungwon yiemnet representative "enhanced mobile search advertising halgeot"

Gimyoungwon yiemnet representative "enhanced mobile search advertising halgeot" Yiemnet specializes in online search advertising in the mobile market development policy, said that out there. Yiemnet gimyoungwon CEO for three days, and a press conference in Yeouido, Seoul, "a new growth engine after the KOSDAQ-listed search advertising business to enhance the mobile," he said. ...Gimyoungwon yiemnet representative "enhanced mobile search advertising halgeot"

《妈妈咪呀》巡演 中国制造打造文化精品

《妈妈咪呀》巡演 中国制造打造文化精品 楚天都市报(微博)讯 (记者 屈菁菁) 广受好评百老汇经典音乐剧《妈妈咪呀》中文版将在11月29日至12月3日在武汉剧院演出,该剧在国内演出场次已突破100场,先后吸引了13万观众走进剧场,票房突破4500万。为什么一部音乐 ... 《妈妈咪呀》巡演 中国制造打造文化精品

Flexibility in the petrochemical joint venture landing dawn dew

Flexibility in the petrochemical joint venture landing dawn dew (Central News Agency correspondent Linshu Yuan, Taipei 3 (Xinhua)) upstream petrochemicals increased the urgency of land investment, investment in the mainland must be a joint venture of the petrochemical industry, the provisions of Ministry of Economic Affairs last week to discuss with the mainland, the mainland side of the joint venture provisions mainland insist must hold 50% stake no concessions, but agreed to the initiative will be flexible. Preston Chen, chairman of the Society, led by petrochemical part of the Pan-Petroleum system vendors, hoping to end ...Flexibility in the petrochemical joint venture landing dawn dew

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