
Thursday, November 17, 2011

西藏竞体世界冠军意义非凡 西洛卓玛等待奥运机遇

西藏竞体世界冠军意义非凡 西洛卓玛等待奥运机遇 一场细雨从天而降,到中午雨停,北京城的空气显得清新了不少。于是,中国女子摔跤队教练组决定,下午的训练安排室外放松课――为了消除30多个女摔姑娘天天憋在训练馆里埋头训练的沉闷,女摔队每周都要安排一节室外放松 ... 西藏竞体世界冠军意义非凡 西洛卓玛等待奥运机遇

米マイクロソフトとサムスン、テーブル型PC“Microsoft Surface”新製品

米マイクロソフトとサムスン、テーブル型PC 米マイクロソフト(Microsoft)とサムスンは17日(現地時間)、Microsoft Surfaceの新製品「Samsung SUR40 for Microsoft Surface」の事前予約受付を、23ヵ国で開始したと発表した。 Surfaceは2007年に発表されたテーブルタイプのタッチ式コンピュータ。 ... 米マイクロソフトとサムスン、テーブル型PC"Microsoft Surface"新製品


外交部:希望美方不要动辄就将中国公司经贸活动政治化 人民网11月19日讯 据外交部网站消息,11月18日,外交部发言人刘为民主持例行记者会,他在会上强调,希望美方不要动辄就将中国公司在美经贸活动政治化。 问:美国会众议院情报委员会将针对华为和中兴通讯公司开展调查 ... 外交部:希望美方不要动辄就将中国公司经贸活动政治化

Gay soldier shares reaction to GOP debate boos

Gay soldier shares reaction to GOP debate boos AP SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The US Army captain who was booed during a Republican presidential debate when he asked the candidates if they would reinstate the ban on openly gay troops says he wasn't trying to score political points. ... Gay soldier shares reaction to GOP debate boos

Caamaño opone la "seguridad" de Rubalcaba a "los depende" de Rajoy y dice que ...

Caamaño opone la "seguridad" de Rubalcaba a "los depende" de Rajoy y dice que ... El cabeza de lista del PSOE de A Coruña al Congreso y ministro de Justicia, Francisco Caamaño, ha opuesto la "seguridad" que ofrece el candidato socialista a la Presidencia del Gobierno, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, a "la incertidumbre y los depende" del ... Caamaño opone la "seguridad" de Rubalcaba a "los depende" de Rajoy y dice que ...

Danica smooth in free-wheeling media meet

Danica smooth in free-wheeling media meet MIAMI BEACH -- Danica Patrick said Friday the best gift her husband has given her is a "stock car." He bought the Nationwide car she drove at Homestead last year. Patrick said she's very protective of the car and doesn't let many people see it, ... Danica smooth in free-wheeling media meet

Most expensive tea grown with PANDA POO

Most expensive tea grown with PANDA POO By Sadie Whitelocks Made from panda poo it's not just the extortionate price tag of this beverage that might leave a bitter taste. Priced at £22000 per pound - Tetley tea is around £3 - the tea leaves have been grown on three acres of animal excrement. ... Most expensive tea grown with PANDA POO

Yacht captain: Robert Wagner responsible for Natalie Wood death

Yacht captain: Robert Wagner responsible for Natalie Wood death A yacht skipper says he lied to Natalie Wood's death investigators 30 years ago and he's blaming her then-husband Robert Wagner for the actress' drowning in the ocean off Southern California. By ANTHONY McCARTNEY AP Entertainment Writer No comments ... Yacht captain: Robert Wagner responsible for Natalie Wood death

上海“跳水盘”继续放量 房企怕麻烦暗中降价

上海 继10月中旬突然豪放降价20%—30%之后,上周末起,几个明星"跳水盘"又推出后续房源。只是,这回价格路径出现分化,有的选平开,有的选高开,还有的闭口不谈价格。 上周六,上海香溢花城意外恢复降价前的价格水平。新推房源 ... 上海"跳水盘"继续放量 房企怕麻烦暗中降价

Rajoy pide a los mercados que den un margen de "más de media hora" al gobierno ...

Rajoy pide a los mercados que den un margen de "más de media hora" al gobierno ... El candidato del PP a la Presidencia del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy, ha pedido a los mercados que den un margen de "más de media hora" al nuevo gobierno que salga de las elecciones generales de este domingo, tras escalar la prima de riesgo española por ... Rajoy pide a los mercados que den un margen de "más de media hora" al gobierno ...


安徽一中学校长儿子被学校推荐上清华引质疑(图) 作为一个国家级贫困县,(安徽宣城市)泾县近年来的高考成绩并不十分理想,最近一次出现考上清华大学的学生还是在8年前。今年泾县中学获得了一个2012年清华大学自主选拔"新百年自强计划"推荐学生名额,经过选拔最终入 ... 安徽一中学校长儿子被学校推荐上清华引质疑(图)

농협회장에 최원병씨 재선출

농협회장에 최원병씨 재선출 최원병(65세) 농협중앙회 회장이 18일 오전 실시된 차기 농협중앙회 회장에 재선출됐다. 이에 따라 지난 2007년 12월부터 농협중앙회 회장을 맡아온 최 회장은 향후 4년간 계속해서 농협중앙회를 이끌게 됐다. 최 회장은 이날 전체 대의원 289명 가운데 288명이 참 ... 농협회장에 최원병씨 재선출

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