
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


文物保护单位沦为商场:西单民族大世界的前世今生 中广网北京11月3日消息 据中国之声《央广新闻》报道,北京西单"民族大世界"本是全国重点文物保护单位,却长达20年被占为商场。民族大世界有怎样的前世今生? 去过北京西单的朋友一定都有这样的印象,北京西单商业区最 ... 文物保护单位沦为商场:西单民族大世界的前世今生

"金九银十"惨淡收场 专家:拐点刚现降幅不够

"金九银十"惨淡收场 专家:拐点刚现降幅不够 据经济之声《央广财经评论》报道,今天发布百城价格指数,10月份中国一百个城市住宅均价环比下降0.23%,继9月份环比降0.03%后,已连续两月下跌。同时,北京等十大城市均价降至今年3月来最低水平。 根据对100个城市的调查 ... "金九银十"惨淡收场 专家:拐点刚现降幅不够

Hu Jintao Arrives in Cannes to attend the sixth Summit of G20 leaders

Hu Jintao Arrives in Cannes to attend the sixth Summit of G20 leaders November 2, Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Nice, France to Cannes to attend the upcoming G20 summit in the sixth. Xinhua Xinhua News Agency reporters Liu Wei and Bing She Nice, France, November 2, Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in France from 2 to attend the November 3 to 4 in ...Hu Jintao Arrives in Cannes to attend the sixth Summit of G20 leaders

国家认监委表态加强认证管理有机产品认证 将有唯一编

国家认监委表态加强认证管理有机产品认证 将有唯一编 11月2日,国家认监委曝光了两款抽检不合格的有机产品。 国家认监委2011年有机产品监督抽检结果显示,安徽省郎溪县上海云岭工贸公司白云山茶厂生产的"白茅岭"有机绿茶和浙江蜂乐园蜂业有限公司生产的"蜂乐园"有机荆 ... 国家认监委表态加强认证管理有机产品认证 将有唯一编

Laurent de Villiers "espère encore avoir un procès" contre son frère

Laurent de Villiers "espère encore avoir un procès" contre son frère PARIS (AFP) - Laurent de Villiers, fils du député européen Philippe de Villiers, "espère encore avoir un procès" contre son frère aîné Guillaume, qu'il accuse de l'avoir violé durant son enfance, at-il déclaré mercredi sur Canal+. ... Laurent de Villiers "espère encore avoir un procès" contre son frère

Recount by the head shop to buy risky

Recount by the head shop to buy risky Although the law prohibits people from outside the mainland to buy the store, but apart from a few, like Shanghai, Shenzhen city, to take more stringent measures, many cities have no control of Taiwan to buy the store; even those outside the limited purchase orders region, but also still use the store with the needs of Taiwanese investment, to adopt "anti-set security" approach, through the head at the local purchase. ...Recount by the head shop to buy risky


昨夜,米兰都是99号(组图) 晨报讯(实习记者 刘晨)昨天凌晨,白俄罗斯球队鲍里索夫的主场因为一场欧冠小组赛而热闹起来。而AC米兰球员的庆祝动作则让人在热闹之外多了一层感动。意大利球队把进球献给准备接受心脏手术的卡萨诺,博阿滕更是穿上 ... 昨夜,米兰都是99号(组图)

Zhuang Yi by carry 3 million for the right color blue

Zhuang Yi by carry 3 million for the right color blue (Central News Agency Xinhua reporter Zheng Jingwen Taipei 2) the right of the director Yan Lan, Chuang Yi by faithful documentaries to "pull the hand Nguyen," the protagonist Tianmeng Shu Tian Zhaoming life and inseparable with the history of democratic movement, preferring to spend NT $ 3 million and the public as termination, Zhuang Yi Zeng said, all right to color blue. Yan Lan right, this village benefits by documentary filmmaker couple files, introduced in 2005 documentary "No Miller" Big ...Zhuang Yi by carry 3 million for the right color blue

Mas ofrece "colaboración leal" a Rajoy si atiende los intereses de Cataluña

Mas ofrece "colaboración leal" a Rajoy si atiende los intereses de Cataluña El presidente de la Generalitat, Artur Mas, ha prometido hoy tener una "actitud de colaboración leal" con un posible Gobierno presidido por Mariano Rajoy tras las elecciones del 20 de noviembre, siempre y cuando sean atendidos los "intereses de ... Mas ofrece "colaboración leal" a Rajoy si atiende los intereses de Cataluña

Supreme has been exchanged, "... activities stopped smoking weed"

Supreme has been exchanged, "... activities stopped smoking weed" Yisenseuga of hip-hop duo Supreme Team "to smoke marijuana and interim activities will stop," he says. Yisenseuneun today (2 days) held a press conference "last September on suspicion of smoking marijuana and received a police investigation, admitted that smoking," he said, "will offer an apology to the fans keep your head down," he says. ...Supreme has been exchanged, "... activities stopped smoking weed"

10月两次冷空气过程影响我国 大雾笼罩中东部

10月两次冷空气过程影响我国 大雾笼罩中东部 中国网11月2日讯 中国气象局今日举行11月例行新闻发布会,发布会上中国气象局应急减灾与公共服务司司长、新闻发言人陈振林回顾了10月全国天气气候特征。10月份,两次大范围冷空气过程影响我国,华南出现强降雨,局地遭 ... 10月两次冷空气过程影响我国 大雾笼罩中东部

Swan says NAB small rate cut is 'greedy'

Swan says NAB small rate cut is 'greedy' WAYNE Swan has accused the National Australia Bank of being greedy for not passing on in full yesterday's interest rate cut by the Reserve Bank. NAB, the last of the big four banks to cut home lending rates, says it's lowering its standard variable ... Swan says NAB small rate cut is 'greedy'

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